Traffic Counts

Traffic Volume Counts 2019 Annual Report

Traffic Volume Counts 2019 – Scarborough

Interactive Map

I-95 and Route US Route 1 are two major corridors running through Scarborough.

Traffic counts are prepared by MaineDOT, which is responsible for the collection of all types of traffic data including traffic volumes, vehicle classification, turning movements and special studies as requested by the Department. The reporting of traffic volumes is accomplished through two distinct methods involving the Continuous Count and Coverage (i.e. short term) Count programs.

The Continuous Count Program consists of 72 permanent recorder sites located throughout the state, monitoring traffic volumes 365 days per year on an hourly basis. Additionally, 18 of these sites classify the vehicles into 13 categories as required by the Federal Highway Administration.

The Coverage Count Program divides the state into 3 zones: the southern/coastal area, the central band and the northern/eastern portions of the state. Traffic count and vehicle classification data are collected for 24 hours utilizing road tubes and adjusted to an Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volume.

The Traffic Monitoring Section is responsible for the publication of the Traffic Volume Counts Annual Report.

Click Here to Access the MaineDOT’s Yearly Traffic Counts Webpage